
Friday, December 27, 2019

A Case Study on Inflation, Interest Rates and Business Confidence - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1193 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Business Essay Type Case study Did you like this example? 1.1 Case : 1 Inflation Definition : The rate at which the general level of costs for products and administrations is climbing, and, hence, acquiring force is falling. National banks endeavour to stop extreme expansion, alongside serious flattening, trying to keep the exorbitant development of costs to a base. Answer:. Negative impacts: 1. They will lose the costumers. 2. There was a sharp increase in producer price but decrease the consumer price. . 3. Burger king loses the money from customer. 4. Some people facing the problems like taste, charge more money and they choose another option. Positive points 1. If the trend is become popular then the people satisfied with the one slice 2. Moreover it Depend on the person to person or the mentality of the Person. 3. They consume time and get more profit by selling burger. 1.2Case:2 Interest rate DEFINATION: Interest rate: lessened premium rates sway individuals to use cash on home enhanceme nts. Answer : According to me they must consider on their business of sac strand bags they have to design new products in the business which is more successful from new one like here in the case study it mentioned that a sac strand bags 50 store is new Zealand and 22 international market. They get more profit in the same business that already set up by using new materia textile, latest design, art that may attract more people and earn more profit in the business .But if we think it is good that they introduce new product line such as footwear, belts and jewellery. On the other side ,if they introduce their new product line ,they need more money to set up their business like loan from ANZID bank they charge more interest rate of 10% per month. If they expand the business they need more money and facing the problems. If they sell their products costumer purchase more products they get more profit and will be some companies put their share in the company 1.3 .Case :3 Unemployemen t Definition : Unemployment is defined as a situation where someone of working age is not able to get a job but would like to be in full time employment. Answer : Here are some of the largest Burger restaurant operations, low unemployment rate and: †¢ More consumer demand for goods, income high income elasticity of demand †¢ Labour market wage reinforced upward pressure on wage increases-/ †¢ Do not improve or better workers, son of Charles †¢ Martel – enhancing the capacity of potential impact extends to †¢ Improve safety and power companies, the momentum from wells In order to solve this problem new Zealand government should launch this chain of restaurants in the new Zealand by giving more trade concession. It will increase the opportunity because on restaurant if people work over that will get income and help to minimise the unemployment’s. In order to deal with un employement government should developed the south land (south island industries and more people go over there because south island has great pentonrate for business and people don’t like to go over there because at natural disaster government should motivate people to go over there. 1.4 Case 4:Investment spending Defination : Money spent on capital goods,or goods used in the production of capital , goods ,or services .Investment spending may include purchases such as machinery , land , production inputs , or infrastructure . Investment spending should not be confused with investment , which refers to the purchase of financial instruments such as stocks , bonds and derivatives . Also called capital information Answer : 1.5 Case :5: Business confidence Defination : An economic indicator that measures the amount of optimism or pessimism that business managers feel about the prospects of their companies/ organisations. It also provides an overview of the state of the economy. Example these can provide useful sign s about the current condition of the economy ,because companies often have information about consumer demand sooner than government statisticians do. Answer : In business, it is important that your product is any product material using this product this product is used. Glittering pink and they are doing very well in his companys products; so as to enable people to gain confidence in their own company would invest. They have very good sales of the company and their company will invest in individuals, they are good. 1.6 Case :6 Share Market Fluctuation Defination: The market in which shares of publicly held companies are issued and traded either through exchanges or over-the- counter markets. Also known as the equity market, the stock market is one of the most vital components of a free- market economy, as it provides companies with access to capital in exchange for giving investors a slice of ownership in the company. The stock market makes it possible to grow small initial sums of money into large ones, and to become wealthy without taking the risk of starting a business or making the sacrifices that often accompany a high-paying career. Answer : In business, it is important that your product is any product material using this product this product is used. Glittering pink and they are doing very well in his companys products; so as to enable people to gain confidence in their own company would invest. They have very good sales of the company and their company will invest in individuals, they are good. 1.7.1 Credit availability, reduced loan (credit card) or the credit crunch is generally can borrow money from banks suddenly strengthened the necessary conditions. Credit crunch are usually credit independent of official interest rates, reduce the supply. In this case, the relationship between interest rates and credit availability and implicitly change the rate of available credit at any given official interest rates and credit availability is cl early the relation between them (due to credit rationing). In most cases, be accompanied by a credit crisis on lenders and the quality of their flight, less risky investments in pursuit of investors. 1.7.2 Gross domestic product (GDP) of the countrys main pointers is used to measure the sound development of the economy. The total value of all goods and services, said produce within a certain periodeconomies of scale can be regarded. New Zealands configuration and there is also growing demand for pizza making. 1.7.3 National income is the smallest business in developed countries. Countries will build most of the pizza business income countries the increasing number of visitors they have the desired business impact. US Government sales tax. 1.7.4 The money supply, they have money, you can use Western Union money transfer, provision and provide them with safety and security expert, and at the lowest price. They know how to manage money operations. Business class will grow to b elong. 1.7.5 McDonalds and Burger King (BK), and in international trade, they have international operations. They are the most perfect state, and our franchise. High-speed Internet connection business development and growth in social media network is the best in the business. 1.7.6 Fluctuations in the stock market, the international market, the international market in the waves impact. They are small to medium sized impact. 1.7.7 In foreign currency exchange rate fluctuations and low volatility, is that small businesses would be the highest level. 1.7.8 Balance of payments accounts States and all payments between monetary transactions accounting records of the world. On the trade, the countrys exports and imports of goods, services, financial capital, will include transfer payments Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "A Case Study on Inflation, Interest Rates and Business Confidence" essay for you Create order

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Rational Choice Theory And Juvenile Delinquency - 2372 Words

In my opinion on a theory that out of all the theories we have learned, the rational choice theory is a good theory to juvenile delinquency. â€Å"Rational choice theory and its assumptions about human behavior have been integrated into several criminological theories and criminal justice interventions. Rational choice theory originated during the late 18th century with the work of Cesare Beccaria. Since then, the theory has been expanded upon and extended to include other perspectives, such as deterrence, situational crime prevention, and routine activity theory. The rational choice perspective has been applied to a wide range of crimes, including robbery, drug use, vandalism, and white-collar crime†. So what is the definition of a rational theory? â€Å"The rational choice theory adopts a utilitarian belief that man is a reasoning actor who weighs means and ends, costs and benefits, and makes a rational choice. This method was designed by Cornish and Clarke to assist in thinking about situational crime prevention†. In the book it basically explains it in a much easier way. The book defines it as the, â€Å"explanations of crime and delinquency held that human behavior was a matter of choice†. Juveniles are always going to make mistakes in life. This is how they learn from right and wrong. However it to me is a choice in almost all cases. Almost all kids know what right and wrong is in early childhood. They are taught at a very young age, what they should and shouldn’t do. FromShow MoreRelatedRational Choice Theory For Juvenile Delinquency1774 Words   |  8 PagesRational Choice Theory The Rational Choice Theory, as more commonly referred to as Choice Theory, is a view as to why criminals commit crimes, and more importantly why juveniles choose to be delinquent. 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Rational choice theory states that the person will make sensible and reasonableRead MoreJuvenile Delinquency Theories Stem From An Array Of Individual,829 Words   |  4 PagesJuvenile Delinquency theories stem from an array of individual, social and environmental conditions, in so labeling certain causes as to why juveniles commit criminal acts. Juveniles are identified as minors-under the age of 18, in which are treated separately for criminal offenses. In the film Kids, delinquent behavior is constantly demonstrated throughout the progression of the film. The film depicts a group of sexually active teenagers in New York City. Many of the characters exhibited at-riskRead MoreThe Legal System Of School1438 Words   |  6 PagesThrough the seventeenth and eighteenth century, multiple developments that occurred in England aided in the advancements and recognition of children’s rights. Over time, these advancements affected the juvenile legal system as it emerged in Americ a. 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Most of the time Juvenile behaviors are recognized as deviant because the general population does not accept it. Juvenile delinquency is an example of deviant behavior. The reason being is because people in society does not accept or thinks that their behaviors are not normal. Social conditions in the United States such immigration and dramatic increase in urbanization is the direct result of hundred juveniles being involved in criminal activities. In recent years

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Summary of Articles Heart of Darkness free essay sample

Summary 5 Authoritative Articles â€Å"Racism in Heart of Darkness† Chinua Achebes article  An Image of Africa: Racism in Conrads Heart of Darkness' was basically written about the racism Achebe encountered in â€Å"Heart of Darkness†. Achebe criticizes Joseph Conrad for his racist stereotypes towards the continent and people of Africa. Achebe claims that Conrad spread the image that people imagined rather than portraying Africa in its true form. Africans were shown in â€Å"Heart of Darkness† as savages with no way to speak other than grunting. To Conrad, the Africans were not real characters in his story, but were backgrounds or props. Chinua Achebe responded with his own novel, â€Å"Things Fall Apart†: it was a contrast to Heart of Darkness and comparable works by other European writers. In â€Å"Things Fall Apart†, Achebe tells the story of Okonkwo, an Ibo man who is actually represented as a functioning person. Africans are represented as actual individuals with intelligence and a language, not just one massive conglomerate of dumb thoughtless natives. We will write a custom essay sample on Summary of Articles Heart of Darkness or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Their customs are not regarded as crazy and foreign, but as normal everyday life no different than the assortment of Western customs. And the land itself is described as a mix of towns and farms, not a foreign dangerous land. In basically every way, â€Å"Things Fall Apart† challenges typecasts set forward in Heart of Darkness. Overall it is a useful article that contains a good amount of information and I would recommend it to other students. Suzanne Fields wrote an article on the racism in â€Å"Heart of Darkness† she actually defended Conrad. She thought that although, he wrote about racist things he presented in the way that was the norm at the time. She stated that it wasn’t racist because that was how people perceived them not because he had anything against them racially. Suzanne felt that his observations can’t be called racist because that was only how he saw it. It was informative and I would tell other students to read the article because it shows Conrad’s book in a different light than most people do. It was a reputable article written on â€Å"Real Clear Politics† by an actual writer. When Dr. John Laflin wrote an article about the argument that the â€Å"Heart of Darkness† was racist he originally felt it seemed racist, but upon further analysis it isn’t actually racist. He thought when first reading seeing the ord ner and the way he described them as creatures made it seem racist. When he more closely examined the work he noticed that he actually referred to his own people as creatures which showed that all people has animalistic tendencies. He also noted that Conrad did in fact give the natives human qualities. Dr, Laflin showed both sides of the argument on the racism in â€Å"Heart of Darkness† and he made it an easy to read informative work. It definitely was a great article and a good resource. On British/UK fiction Jackie Patrick wrote an article about all aspects of â€Å"Heart of Darkness†. She mentions racism and says it wouldn’t be politically correct in today’s culture, but in Conrad’s time period it was normal and therefore not racist. She says although he alienates the natives from the whites he doesn’t consider them a different species and doesn’t actually see them as animals. She states that in today’s culture that the writing he put forth wouldn’t be acceptable, but in his time period the word ner was historically correct. Although the article was about all aspects of â€Å"Heart of Darkness† she still shows her take on the racism in â€Å"Heart of Darkness†. It was a useful article and was on a reputable site with an easy to use set up. Dr. Leon Litvack compared Achebe’s article on â€Å"Heart of Darkness† to Cederic Watt’s response to the reading. Cederic believed Achebe didn’t read deep enough in to the text and was naive in his understanding of the novel. While Achebe was completely up in arms about the racism portrayed in â€Å"Heart of Darkness† saying that the natives were shown as animals, Watts vehemently fought against those views saying that Conrad gave the natives human qualities. They showed restraint when faced with cannibalism and Kurtz did not show the same self-control. Watts contradicts everything that Achebe wrote and says that Achebe took things out of context and didn’t understand the novel. This article showed two completely different views and compared them giving good information from both sides of the arguments. It would be a good article for students to read because it basically has two articles in one and it compares them.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Summary of Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx Introd Essays

Summary of Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx Introduction Karl Marx was born in 1818 into a middle-class, German family. During his studies, Marx was heavily influenced by the philosophy of Hegel. He joined a group called the " Young Hegelians. " The group, though " inspired by Hegel, [was] determined to champion the more radical aspects of the old master's system. " [i] Though he was a strong scholar, he got into trouble because of his radical political views.[ii] In 1847, together with fellow German, Freidrich Engels, Marx wrote The Communist Manifesto. The Central Authority of the Communist League approved The Communist Manifesto January of 1848, and the document began printing the next month.[iii] The manifesto was " inspired by the emergence of the modern working class, [he] developed a wholly new socialist outlook based upon the principle of socialism from below. " [iv] In Marx ' s version of socialism, there were two central t hemes, one of which was that the working class had to liberate themselves from their oppressors, and the other involved the working people overthrowing their current government to create a new, democratic society for themselves.[v] Summary of Section 1 Marx begins by showing that throughout all of history humans have divided themselves into certain ranks or classes. For example, in the Middle Ages social divisions were " feudal lords, vassals, guild-masters, journeymen, apprentices, [and] serfs. " [vi] As long as social stratification has existed, one group or groups have been the oppressor while another group or groups have been the oppressed. The fight that exists between the oppressed and the oppressor is destine to end reconstruction of society triggered by revolution or in the demise of both classes. Modern society is split into two classes: the bourgeoisie, who were the capitalists that employ the working class laborers and control producti on, and the proletariat, who were the working class laborers that must work in order to survive. The Communist Manifesto goes on to explore the origin of the bourgeoisie as a result of development in means of production. As new markets were within reach and increasing in number so was the demand for products, but the manufacturing industry could not keep up with such a high demand. Out of this problem came the Industrial Revolution, which provided development in means of production, and in turn manufacturing could keep up with the demand. This increased the wealth of the bourgeoisie, and with this increase in wealth came their increase in power. The developments in production lead to the development of the bourgeoisie, which " was accompanied by a corresponding political advance of that class. " [vii] The bourgeoisie had destroyed the relations that link individuals to their superiors; the only remaining tie between humans is monetary exchange. The sp ecialists, such as doctors, have been reduced to laborers and the relations in families have been reduced " to a mere money relation. " [viii] The existence of the bourgeoisie is dependent on the constant development in the means of production, with ever changing modes of production inevitably comes change in social relations. All of these disturbances have caused man " to face with sober senses, his real conditions of life, and his relations with his kind. " [ix] The bourgeoisie infest and institute themselves all over the world to satisfy their need for an ever-enlarging market. Every country in the world " cosmopolitan character [has been given] to production and consumption. " [x] As a result of the bourgeoisie ' s widespread power, third world nations were drawn into becoming civilized and following behind bourgeoisie production methods. Marx goes on to explain the crisis that the modern bourgeoisie society faced; the producti ve nature of their society is no longer increasing their development. Instead, over-production is threatening the existence of the modern bourgeoisie society. The weapons used by the bourgeoisie against feudalism are now turned on the bourgeoisie themselves. Marx introduces those who are to possess the weapons, " the men who are to wield those weapons - the modern working class - the proletarians. " [xi] The proletarians developed alongside the bourgeoisie. Exposed to all changes in the market, the proletarians must work in order to sustain life. The